Sähkömoottori seisontajarrusatulalle Tesla S ja X. Suunniteltu ajoneuvoihin, joissa on oma seisontajarru. Kosteus ja suolavesi täällä pohjoisessa pyrkivät pääsemään moottorin ja vaihteiston väliin, harjat tuhoutuvat ja roottori juuttuu.

Toimitetaan varastoltamme Norjasta. Normaalisti 3-4 päivän toimitusaika UPS:llä. Toimitetaan kotiisi (vaihtoehtoisesti lähimpään noutopisteeseen). Alla oleva hinta sisältää Suomen arvonlisäveron. Tulli- ja selvitysmaksut ovat lisäksi. Tämä leivotaan toimitushintaan, joka lasketaan, kun syötät osoitteesi tilaukseen. Sinulle ei aiheudu muita lisäkustannuksia kuin tämä.

Suositellaan ostettavaksi pareittain. Muuten toimitus tulee kohtuuttoman kalliiksi.

Huomaa myös seuraavat asiat: 

  • Our experience is that parking brake errors in most cases are due to engine failure. The reasons may still be more complex. If it is water ingress around the o-ring that is the main problem (and not between the engine and gearbox), the gears can start to run slowly and, in worst case, rust and get stuck. Cleaning and lubrication may help.

  • Changing the outermost gasket set to the caliper, might also be a good idea. FRENKIT 'Caliper Basic Kit' is available e.g. in the AutoDoc app for NOK 150. Search for item number 235034. Larger repair packages at numbers 236049, 818011. If the gear on the outer part of the piston in the caliper has locked, a good cleaning and lubrication will mostly get this going again.

  • Correspondingly - this only applies if you drive around with very worn pads or have opened the caliper - you must ensure that the piston does not slide past the bolt, marked in picture 11 above. Is a groove in the piston that the bolt should slide on. If the pads are completely worn out, the piston may have passed. Or if wrongly put together, the engine and piston can just run, without them getting a grip. Error message will appear. If necessary, check this out by removing the piston and make sure that the bolt slides on the groove when reassembled.

  • Breakage due to corrosion of the cable to the motor itself, is not an unknown phenomenon either, but occurs less frequently. Most often 20-40cm into the wiring network. Possible to splice with a wire stub, soldering iron/splicing sleeves and shrink sleeve. Can also be corrosion around/in contact. Check wiring and clean. You may buy contacts here.

  • It's a good idea to run a test of the old motor, if you're not sure if it's actually the one that's failing. Use a 9v battery and make cable lugs that fit the connectors, see e.g. this video (1:38-2:03) from Note that you must be careful when connecting. Do not cross pins 2-3 (hall sensors), then you risk 'grilling', and the engine will just run idle when it is connected to the caliper.

  • You can also buy along a ready-made cable set and cable lugs below. 1m length. Rechargeable 9V battery, 1200mAh capacity and up to 1500 cycles, as well as type-C charging cable, are included. Note that the copper conductors in the cables are tinned, withstand moist environments and can probably also be used for splicing, if you have a cable break.

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